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Spain, Portugal
A smart city means an inclusive city
A smart city means an inclusive city
Like every year, December 3 will be a United Nations sanctioned International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD) . The aim is to increase public awareness of the conditions of disabled people and, at the same time, to celebrate their achievements and contributions.
Pig plague threatens Europe
Pig plague threatens Europe
African swine fever , or ASF, is a viral disease that kills almost every pig it infects and is likened to Ebola . It gained a foothold in Georgia in 2007, when contaminated pig meat landed from a ship from South-East Africa and was fed to local pigs.
Is desertification on the increase?
Is desertification on the increase?
News of increased desertification has made headlines. Yet this process is not well understood.
Acoustic waves warn of tsunami
Acoustic waves warn of tsunami
When a coastal area is about to be hit by the waves of a tsunami, time is everything. The earlier we know where and when it is going to hit the coast, the more chances there are to evacuate the area.
Lilliput forests, global certification
Lilliput forests, global certification
The level of interest for the US standard Smart Logging , designed to ensure the sustainable use of the forests, has now been tested in Europe.
Moving away from silicon technology
Moving away from silicon technology
Silicon, the conventional semiconductor used to build up electronics, is processed at very high temperature – over one thousand Celsius degrees - and it is difficult to recycle.
Invisible is better: when sustainable solutions blend into the landscape
Invisible is better: when sustainable solutions blend into the landscape
Each year over 3.5 million tourists from all over the world visit Pompeii to admire the ruins left by the eruption of the Vesuvius that, in 79 AD, engulfed it together with the nearby city of Herculaneum.
Circular is better: recyclable buildings to save the planet
Circular is better: recyclable buildings to save the planet
Maguy Soldevila is a former art teacher. Some years ago, she quit the frenzy and the pollution of the French city of Lyon to move into a typical house of the 1960s, in the small village of Sail-sous-Couzan.
Digitalising for repopulating: a virtual marketplace to revive rural areas in the wake of Covid-19
Digitalising for repopulating: a virtual marketplace to revive rural areas in the wake of Covid-19
Ana, 32, loves going to the movies, is keen on theatre and takes regular yoga lessons. However, during the Covid pandemic she quit the frenzy of Madrid to settle in a remote village in Extremadura , a large Spanish rural area, bordering Portugal.
Joining forces to finance renewables: the investment platform model
Joining forces to finance renewables: the investment platform model
Santa Casa da Misericordia de Serpa is a well-established Portuguese social institution that runs hospitals, nursing homes and housing projects for elderly.
Peer-to-peer platforms – Shaping a democratic energy model to boost renewables
Peer-to-peer platforms – Shaping a democratic energy model to boost renewables
Peer-to-peer (P2P) platforms allow energy sharing and trading within a community without the binding mediation of the traditional big utilities.
Women: energy empowerment
Women: energy empowerment
To date we know very little about the specific circumstances and factors that might impact women’s involvement in the transition to clean energy .
Smart cities and innovative financing schemes
Smart cities and innovative financing schemes
The pioneering city of Stuttgart, Germany, was one the first to apply an innovative financing scheme back in 1995 and since then it has been bearing its fruit: energy-efficiency funding has reduced the city’s CO 2 emissions by tens of thousands of tonnes.
Fitting hot and cold climates into the “envelope”
Fitting hot and cold climates into the “envelope”
Buildings account for 36% of CO 2 emissions in Europe, and energy consumption in this sector has increased in recent decades.
How safe is seafood?
How safe is seafood?
Consumption of seafood is regarded as healthy since it contains high quality proteins, vitamins and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. But it might also put us at risk of exposure to environmental pollutants.