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Fighting cancer: when survival depends on geography and education
Fighting cancer: when survival depends on geography and education
Calin lives in the Romanian city of Cluj. He suffers from melanoma and his mother died from colorectal cancer, aged 58. “It took two months just for a colonoscopy,” he recalls.
Invisible is better: when sustainable solutions blend into the landscape
Invisible is better: when sustainable solutions blend into the landscape
Each year over 3.5 million tourists from all over the world visit Pompeii to admire the ruins left by the eruption of the Vesuvius that, in 79 AD, engulfed it together with the nearby city of Herculaneum.
Painting and writing to fight cancer: the importance of being “more than a patient”
Painting and writing to fight cancer: the importance of being “more than a patient”
When Salvatore was diagnosed with brain cancer, he made headlines all over the world . International outlets like CNN and the BBC presented him as “the hacker who decrypted his medical records to create his open-source therapy”.
Shielding the Grid to Foster Renewables: the Cybersecurity Challenge
Shielding the Grid to Foster Renewables: the Cybersecurity Challenge
In the mid-90s, when he was 9 to 12 years old, Tommy DeVoss broke into the computer systems of global fast-food and pharmaceutical companies. He also hacked into organisations such as the US government, the US military, and NASA .
Joining forces to finance renewables: the investment platform model
Joining forces to finance renewables: the investment platform model
Santa Casa da Misericordia de Serpa is a well-established Portuguese social institution that runs hospitals, nursing homes and housing projects for elderly.
Breast cancer: innovative 3D device to boost research on metastasis
Breast cancer: innovative 3D device to boost research on metastasis
The spread of cancer cells to other parts of the body, known as metastasis , is the main cause of cancer-related deaths. According to the US National Cancer Institute, in 2018 there were 9.
Credits: Photo by Andrew Gook on Unsplash
How the Covid-19 pandemic is changing urban mobility
Willingly or forced by circumstances, cities across Europe have slowly started to change their vision about urban mobility.
A portable device to treat major brain disorders remotely
A portable device to treat major brain disorders remotely
Ana Maiques has always been attracted by the mysteries of the human brain. “To unlock it is like a crusade of humankind,” she says.
Sexism also exists in botany
Sexism also exists in botany
Urban green spaces provide several benefits beyond aesthetics. They offer shade, help to reduce pollution, offer habitat for birds and insects, a space to meet and socialise or for kids to play.
Energy's got game
Energy's got game
Playing games could be a solution to saving energy. Using energy more efficiently is, of course, a crucial part of fighting climate change, since oil and fossil fuels continue to be the most important energy source in the world, including Europe .
Are smart cities ready for Europe's new privacy measures?
Are smart cities ready for Europe's new privacy measures?
As the number of smart cities increases, the heavier are their responsibilities towards citizens.
Are smart buildings safe from hackers and privacy breaches?
Are smart buildings safe from hackers and privacy breaches?
Smart buildings offer better energy efficiency and the kind of futuristic mod cons that appeal to many consumers, but some experts warn our appetite for new technology is putting us at risk from increasingly sophisticated cyber attacks .
Do microbes control our mood?
Do microbes control our mood?
If aliens were to examine a human, they would think we were just slavish organisms designed to feed microbes and carry them around. Our bodies contain ten times more bacteria than cells , and there are an estimated 3.
Smart cities vs “locked-in” cities
Smart cities vs “locked-in” cities
As more and more cities launch projects to become smart, a substantial need is emerging: the ability to share the various models across the world so that they can be replicated anywhere.
Energy crowdfunding: the new way to boost renewables
Energy crowdfunding: the new way to boost renewables
It's a brand new sector: the first steps date back to 2012. Today energy crowdfunding is a way of financing solar panel or wind turbine projects.
Cyber attacks – Are smart cities safer or more vulnerable?
Cyber attacks – Are smart cities safer or more vulnerable?
In the wake of the Brussels bombings, the French blogger Francis Pisani addressed the quandaries of modern, connected European cities facing terrorist threats .
The cost of blackouts in Europe
The cost of blackouts in Europe
In January 2005, a severe storm swept across Northern Europe, from Ireland to Russia. More than 500,000 homes were left without power, with Denmark and Southern Sweden being particularly hard-hit.
Smart grid: A grid suitable for renewable energy
Smart grid: A grid suitable for renewable energy
Traditionally our electricity grids were designed to move power from large nuclear and fossil fuel power plants to consumers, but renewable energy will see changes to allow smaller power generation from wind and solar to be hooked up to the grid.
Renewed hope for gene therapy in rare disease
Renewed hope for gene therapy in rare disease
Between 30 and 40 million people in Europe suffer from rare diseases —many of them children. As most of these diseases have genetic origins, gene therapy is a major hope for their future cure .
Forever recyclable novel plastic thanks to old tyres
Forever recyclable novel plastic thanks to old tyres
Tyres are well suited for recycling. They are easy to collect and do not require any costly sorting process.  However, in Europe, still only about 50% of the tyres are recycled .
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